About Us

The Light of Life Ministry is Yahweh and Christ’s Ministry of the End Times. Our website can be found at http://www.lightoflifeministry.com. This blog is an extension of our ministry and brings the reader End Times Revelations, Truth and Nourishment.

Our Ministry Statement

  • We are Ministers with the Light of Life Ministry.
  • Our Ministry’s mission is to spread Truth.
  • Our Ministry Motto is: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
  • The Light of Life Ministry, Yahweh and Christ’s Ministry, delivers the Kingdom Message of Salvation and impending Warning of Judgment to all the world, which explains what is required to obtain Salvation and warns of what will happen if the truth and validity contained within the message is not accepted.
  • We seek to enlighten those around us of the truth of God’s Word and Christ’s love to those who will open their hearts to him. * We are Christians. We worship Yahweh and His son Christ Jesus.
  • The essence of our Ministry is to give the message that Christ’s Kingdom is at hand and that the Judgment awaits those that do not respond favorably to the Kingdom.
  • We are not aligned with any man-made religious organizations because these organizations bear only false and half-truths and we have been ordained to minister ONLY the truth.
  • We believe in the validity of what is written in the Bible and the Truth of the Scriptures.
  • We do not debate the Scriptures, try to convert, twist arms or convince anyone of the Truth as it is a matter of Free Will.
  • We seek to enlighten those around us of the truth of God’s Word and Christ’s love to those who will open their hearts to him.

Our History

In 2005, the Cherubic Order of Holy Angels delivered several visual symbolic messages that appeared on a regular sliding glass door. They pertained to many topics, including End Times, the Great Tribulation and Armageddon and carried the very important message to mankind that we were asked to relay to the masses. (They can be viewed HERE)

The essence of our Ministry is to give the message that Christ’s Kingdom is at hand and that the Judgment awaits those that do not respond favorably to the Kingdom.

Our Motto, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” is taken from John 8:32. Helping the masses to know the Truth will indeed set them free from Satan and his demons influence. So, if Christ sets them free, they are free. John 8:36. Through our efforts we bring this to bear.

We are in the company of Angels of the Cherubic Order of Holy Angels, who are mentioned no less than 90 times in the Scriptures. They are the Father’s Messengers and act as our protectors and benefactors.

We do not worship them or condone the worship of them or any other Holy Angels.

We are not aligned with any man-made religious organizations for one simple reason. All man-made religious organizations have been found by Christ to bear only falsehoods and half-truths.

We have been ordained to minister ONLY the Truth as relayed to us by the Father, Christ and the Cherubic Order of Holy Angels.

We believe in the validity of what is written in the Bible and the Truth of the Scriptures.

We do not add to or take away from the Scripture.

We do not debate the Scriptures, try to Convert, Twist Arms or otherwise convince anyone of the Truth as it is a matter of Free Will and the hearts of those who hear our message will dictate whether or not they accept the Truth that we minister to them.